One week plus
In case you didn’t know, we made it back home safe and sound. I realized the last you heard from us here was that we were waiting to get on the plane. Aside from a 45 minute delay, everything was fine. We were a little worn out, and still trying to adjust to the three hour time difference. That seems trivial, but when you can’t fall asleep until 2 a.m. and you have to get up at 8 a.m. for work, it’s significant. I think it finally caught up with me yesterday. I got home and crashed for an hour, and was still ready to go to bed at 9:00. We managed to get into bed around 11:00, and I got to sleep by 12:00. Maria didn’t drift off to sleep until 2:00, though.
We’re now in the process of collecting loads of documents and data to get her a green card. There’s a HUGE list of things you have to do and get in order to just be ready for this process. And yes, it is indeed a process. We’re working through the list, checking things off, but it’s slow. And in case someone in INS sees this blog, it is indeed a real marriage and we’re not just going through this so she can immigrate to the US. Why would anyone go through all that work if they didn’t intend to be together forever?
Tonight I get the rest of my things that were not destroyed in the fire. That too has been a process. I huge THANK YOU to all of our friends who are pitching in and helping out. It really is greatly appreciated.
Last, but certainly not least, another big THANK YOU to our Leaky friends for all of their support. Were it not for Leaky, Maria and I may have never found one another. Your continued support and love are heard and appreciated. Thank you all so very much.