Some pictures

February 8th, 2008 by Chris

The first of the pictures are up. You can see them here. To see the ones with us in them, you’ll need to have a Flickr account and be listed as a friend. If I’ve not listed you as a friend (or family), then either you’ve not sent me the request or you now know what I think of you. 😛 Kidding! Just send me a note and I’ll add you.

The picture here is a view from our room. To the right, out of the picture, is the Bellagio fountain. Every 15 minutes this evening they’ve been running the fountains. Since we both hurt, we’ve decided to skip tonight and go watch it one other night this week.

My feet hurt!

February 8th, 2008 by Maria

We just got back to our hotel after nearly 6 hours of wandering and walking around. We walked through the Ballagio and Ceasar’s for a little while, had lunch then went north on the monorail to try to find the Marriage License Bureau. We ended up walking about 2 miles through what was most probably the worst part of the city before finally reaching it. On the way we passed lots of chapels and they all looked run-down, dirty and uninviting which was a bit disheartening. But when we got there the official part was quick and easy and functional (I still cried though!), we got our license and then we went to look for a cab home. Outside the building we were stopped by some people with flyers for their wedding chapel who offered to show us around-I thought it was going to be a horrible hard-sell experience but it turned out to be a very sweet little family run place, with a pretty white chapel and everything we wanted (including pictures, a dvd, and limo transportation) for even less than we were expecting to pay.

So that’s it! We’re booked in for 4pm on Monday the 11th February. And hopefully our feet will have recovered by then!

We made it!

February 8th, 2008 by Chris

We’re in Vegas!  All in all not a horrible flight.  I liked the non-stop aspect of it, but we were sitting across the aisle from a bunch of frat guys.  They irritated everyone on the plane.  Other than that and having to pay for your drinks and snacks, it was a fine trip.

We have a very nice room that looks out at Paris and the Eiffel Tower.  We can also see 3/4 of the Bellagio lake, so we should have a very nice view of the show at night.

We’ve had a little rest, and I think we’re about to venture out and get some food.  More later!

Counting Down

February 7th, 2008 by Chris

In roughly 25 hours, we will land in Las Vegas.  I can’t express just how excited I am about this!  Not Vegas so much, as I’ve been there loads of times.  I’m excited about this new chapter of my life.  I tick off the last things I’ll do, as a single man, with delight.  I look forward to the things we will do and the memories we will make as husband and wife.  Hopefully I won’t make too many mistakes.


February 6th, 2008 by Maria

I didn’t want my first blog post to be whiny but needs must, and I need to vent the frustration somehow! Even though we’ve opted for a quick and easy, stress-free Vegas wedding it looks like we still have to deal with last minute irritations. Despite their promises of free 2 day delivery, the website where we ordered our wedding bands from couldn’t get them to us in time, even though they had about 2 weeks to do so.  Oh well, we won’t let them spoil this for us. It looks like we have some shopping to do tonight!!


February 5th, 2008 by Chris

Welcome to the new site!  Woot!  We decided to set up this blog so we can have a place together where we can write about what’s going on.  As of this post, we are just starting out our life together.  Through here, you will be able to keep track of what we’re doing, where we’re going, and what crazy ideas I’ve come up with.

Maria and I will both be posting, so please ignore my bad grammar and spelling.  She is the English major, so her posts will be so much more eloquent than mine!  😛 Regardless, enjoy the blog and please comment!